I have been so (adverb of your choice, all of my current ones range from slightly off-color to downright Debi-disapproved) busy lately. Ok, not so busy that I don't take breaks to throw the football with Bubba Ray, but busy nonetheless. Also, Hibberds and I watch Chuck on NBC every Monday night. (The best FHE activity, ever!!!) If you have never watched Chuck do so now. Go to www.msn.com and select TV. Select Browse Shows with Free Episodes and watch all of the available episodes. We love Chuck Bartkowski, Morgan Grimes, and Big Mike. But we hate Bryce Larkin!!!
Debi will also argue that I have not been to busy to take study breaks to watch my new addiction, Arrested Development, also on www.msn.com. This one is about a dysfunctional family (insert joke here) and all 57 episodes are available. It is my goal to watch everyone before the new year. I realize reaching for the stars like that is dangerous, but what the heck, I am committed. If you too are a high achiever, I dare you to take the challenge and tackle them with me.
I have been tagged numerous times, and I do intend to respond to them, but not just yet. First I have to say, "check out the picture above." The ugly guy on the left has a beautiful family and is incredibly grateful for each of them.
Confession time: My name is Scott and I am a BYU Football-a-holic. Seriously. Not only did I buy season tickets and spend a small fortune on concessions, I have worked half-shifts on Saturdays in order to feed the habit. Mister Stingy hates leaving any cash on the table, and to leave work early to attend games is horrendous. But today, I hit rock bottom. Mark offered to let me leave early to watch the game on TV. I walked away from 3 hours wages and went home. Wait, IT GETS WORSE!!! (Bad enough for ALL CAPS and exclamations points, oh my!)
The game was not on regular Comcast Cable. We even have On Demand, but no luck. I was so desperate that I went to CBS College Sports online and paid $14.95 to watch the live game feed on my laptop. If anyone is unsure of the true depths of this depravity ask Steph. She knows a pry bar and a court order is needed before the inside of my wallet sees daylight. And if you don't believe her, ask Debi. Wait, no, don't ask her. She will start to cry as she re-tells tales of my tight-fistedness.
So anyway, perhaps an intervention is in order. Stephs attempted one to get me out of the 80's did not work, so I don't have much faith in one breaking me of this. It is pretty sad when an adult (cough) sits screaming at his computer screen and gets emotionally distressed with every Cougar miscue. Oh, well, it could be worse.
I have promised the story of the flying frozen turkey, and I intend to deliver for your Thanksgiving pleasure, but not today. I just wanted to share some of the things that are important to me right now. My family and time with them, Chuck, re-runs on the computer, BYU FOOTBALL, and my extended family. Believe it or not I think of each of them regularly. Even the ones who probably think I don't even remember them.
I have been so blessed in the extended family respect. I have great memories of each member which I think about constantly. Thank you for putting up with me. I often wish for a time machine. There are many times and places I would like to visit again and re-live those moments with my family. Summers at Bear Lake, Thanksgivings at the Cabin, Christmas' in Bountiful, the 23rd in Provo, Green Valley, Willard Bay, and many others.
Sometimes the missing of those days and the people in them makes me sad. When that happens I have to stop being sad, and be AWESOME instead. If that ever happens to you, think of the picture below!
Love to all,
The Oneryguy
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Scott, I love you. Everything you write makes me smile. I have lots of fond memories in which you are a major player too. We are lucky. That's for sure.
Seriously. $14.95 to watch a game on your computer? Are you crazy?
What is WrOnG with you?!?!?!? $14.95 to watch a game! I have some ocean front property in Arizona to sell ya!
I was at Wally World today and saw the most perfect thing for you......the 1984 Holiday Bowl game on DVD. You can spend some more money on BYU Football! Won't Debi LOVE me!
Thanks for updating your blog FiNaLly!! And for using CAPS and !!!!!!!!!
Love Ya! Ne Ne
Scott, I absolutly love your blog. I laugh sometimes 'til I could almost pee my pants. I have so many awesome memories of days gone by and the many fun times we had together. We need to get together more ofter so our kids can make some fun memories together too!
Thanks for spending part of your crazy Sunday last month and coming to Bryan's farewell. I feel bad I didn't get to talk to you before you had to run back to the rest of your insane day.
Keep up the hysterical posts, I can't wait for the Turkey story!
Miss Ya - Lori
Why are you hiding all this fantastic writing talent behind the meat counter? You could be making BIG $$$$$ as a writer! I love your stuff! Happy Thanksgiving & love to all of you! Peggy
I just love that you have that picture from How I Met Your Mother!!
It's such an awesome show!
Can we have a new post?
How about a great, tribute, birthday post about your sister?
That's what I thought.
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