Ornery Music

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

What____ this blog ____about (where should I place the 'is'?)

Warning: This blog does not necessarily express the views of it's author or anyone who knows him. The content may be considered offensive to the thin skinned (should that be thin-skinned?) and should only be perused by those well versed in sardonicism (think sarcasm, without the intent to hurt or cause offence). There may even be an occasional revealing of my true soul, but on all but the rarest of occasions, it will quickly be covered by a smart-alecky comment. Though I am often accused of 'getting smart' with someone, I am usually (sadly enough) doing it alone. However, this is my official invitation to you to 'get smart' with me. Exactly how a couple of idiots like us will do that I do not know.

This is my opportunity to put 'it' out there. What 'it' is may be anything:

A rant, a rave,
a cry or complaint
A song to fill the air.

My life, my thoughts,
the things I love,
And those which make me pull my hair.

Basically I am writing for my own amusement. Random thoughts as well as deep feelings may be found here. (I hope someone noticed the proximity of the words 'well' and 'deep', even though 'well' was used in a different context than the one normally associated with 'deep'. If you caught it before I pointed it out give yourself one point.)

I am making the grandiose and most likely untrue assumption someone other than myself will ever read this blog. (OK, Debi will read it out of pity). But if you have stumbled across this ornery guy's blog, leave a comment, let me know who you are. I am even open to suggestions for future topics!

One will be how I hate people who use bold fonts to emphasize specific words and points. I also detest people who use exclamation point. Seriously, if you express your point well enough you do not need explanation points. They just make you look like an idiot!!! (especially those of you who use more than one).

I also am disgusted by the use of comments in parenthesis (what is that, some kind of aside?) (Or is it a peak inside the writer's mind?) (Am I using apostrophes correctly?) (Really, only jerks use parenthesis, it is like saying, "hey, here is a little private, inside joke only you and I get.) (What are the rules pertaining to quotes within parentheses?)

If you made it this far I am truly sorry. You will never regain the time you wasted. As for my next post, assuming I am not canceled by the network, it may be a list of potential future topics I will explore. Or it will be links to pictures of cool cars, motorcycles, and hot-dog stands.

Buenas noches!!! (Or dias, or tardes, depending on what time you tripped and fell into this!!!)


Stephanie said...

Hey Onery!

I am offended that you spelled offense wrong!

(I LOVE explanation points!!!! and parenthesis or is it parentheses? (you spelled it both ways!))

I am very thin-skinned, but bring it on anyways! Someone has to keep my self esteem low.

Love, Ne Ne

p.s. parenthesis is the correct spelling

Stephanie said...

Oh by the way........I'm glad I get to read your twisted thoughts!

Crazy Lees said...

Oh honey.. not out of pity...to be aware of who I might need to apologize to!
I too on the thicker side of the skin!

Me and My Clan said...

Hmmm, well, you'll generally want to steer clear of my blog than. (HA HA SERIOUSLY HILARIOUS!!!!!)