Ornery Music

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Sad Man Behind Blue Eyes

What a great song by The Who!!! Being a sad man, and having blue eyes, I have always identified with this song. Whenever I start to have a "pity party", or start a "poor me story", Debi always taunts me with, "Oh, is it our little sad man behind blue eyes?"

Well, yes, yes it is. I have been brutalized on all fronts for my unintentionally being such an 80's icon. OUCH!!! Why didn't anyone organize an intervention. I obviously need help and support, not laughing and ridicule. Perhaps a makeover on Oprah would help. I hear she is a "miracle worker." So here's the deal. I am asking you to answer a few questions for me.

  1. Please list as many things about me that scream "80's dude" that you can think of. Be specific. Blanket statements such as "everything" may be accurate, but they don't give me much to work with. Also, things such as "pants, shirts, hair, etc." need to be more specific. Exactly what is "wrong" with them. Note: I no longer own any Guess Jeans :(

  2. Is there any hope for me? If the answer is no, you are probably right, and you are now done. If however, you are foolishly optimistic, and you answer yes, please continue.

  3. Please, please, please offer suggestions. What can be done to bring me at least to the 90's, or even make me Y2K compliant. I am aware that actually reaching 2008 is impossible, but please help me to not be "that guy" who everyone sees and automatically thinks "time-warp."
Debi and Abby looked up 80's fashion websites and kept laughing at me. It was sad, so of course I pouted, which made them laugh harder. Poor me, the sad man behind blue eyes.

Please help me to not be "The Hoff" (see picture above)!!!


Kristy said...

Even though you are going to think this was a waste of my time, and yours, I have to say I have no idea how you are the 80's man. Which means I am worse off in the fashion world than you. And I am a girl and stereotypically supposed to know better. Now, if you were wearing hot pink, and striped parachute pants, I might know what everyone is talking about. I am obviously the one who needs help. And liking 80's music, is there anything wrong with that? Because I like 60's and 70's. How in trouble am I?

Me and My Clan said...

Hmmm, maybe we should just nominate you both for "What Not to Wear". (:

Stephanie said...

Hey!!!!!!.........I have tried interventions before .... (remember?)........Christmas a few years back.

I wouldn't change your look now....the 80's fashion is coming back, and besides Bre needs something to wear to school on Retro day! ;)

I hope you enjoy all my grammatical and spelling errors, as well as the !!!!, ((())) & ......

Jen (Maddie Lou Beanies) said...

I say embrace your 80ness!!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing wrong with the blue eyes.